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Formation aquaponie_en

2025-2026. Aquaponics training for the general public (SoCoPro).

SoCoPro has launched an initiative to develop aquaponics training for the general public in Wallonia.

In collaboration with ULiège (UGeRAA), Hortiforum and Ferme des 3 moutons, CERER will be organising 4 aquaponics training sessions in 2025 and 2026.

Each session will last 4 days, combining theory and practice for 20 participants.

The program will enable anyone interested in aquaponics to acquire the basic notions needed to build and operate an aquaponic system, manage fish and horticultural production, and develop an aquaponics production project.

Theory: introduction to aquaponics, system design and sizing, fish biology, plant biology, water quality, aquaponics project development, economic models.

Practical workshops: visit of systems, analysis of equipment and operation, monitoring of aquaculture and horticultural production, analysis and control of water quality, good production practices, project development and business plan.

Partners :


Funding :

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