
AQUA 2024 Copenhaguen

CERER attended the annual conference of the EAS (European Aquaculture Society) to present its work on the environmental footprint of aquaponics production: ‘Environmental sustainability assessment of two contrasted pilot aquaponics productions (tilapia vs pikeperch) by life cycle assessment’.


Aquaponics at school

3rd year of aquaponics practicing at ARH, a secondary school located in Huy (Belgium). In partnership with CERER, science teachers are training our young aquaponists, aged 12 to 18. Given the success of this edition, a new session will be launched in 2024-2025.

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2021-2022. AQUAPRO: Development of an integrated pilot system for sustainable fish and vegetable production targeting women and youths in Burkina Faso (Wallonie-Bruxelles International). Read more...

In Burkina Faso, animal and vegetable protein needs are not being met, partly because of the limited local production of fish and quality vegetables in a country where water resources are relatively scarce. In that context, the integrated production of fish and vegetables (aquaponics) in water-efficient and low-polluting systems is one opportunity to diversify food production.

The overall aim of the project is to develop a pilot system for the integrated production of fish (tilapia, African catfish) and vegetables (RAS and hydroponics) adapted to the local climatic and socio-economic context in Burkina Faso.

This pilot facility, which is the result of bringing together the complementary skills of partners in the South (UR ABAQ – Université Nazi Boni, Bobo-Dioulasso) and North (CEFRA – Uliège, CERER-Pisciculture), will serve as a model for scaling up other systems with a view to local economic development and food security.

Technically, this plant-fish integration project targets the optimisation of production parameters (water use and recycling, energy savings, reduction of environmental impacts by using effluents to fertilise adjacent crops) under specific local conditions, with fish and plant species that meet local demand. On a socio-economic level, it will promote training and support to animal and plant production for the most vulnerable groups (women and youths), as well as training technicians and local producers to the use of this production system in a perspective of sustainable development.



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2020-2022. PERCIPONIE: Development of Percid culture in aquaponics (Interreg GR 073-4-08-191). Read more...

The PERCIPONIE programme aims to create a cross-border cooperation network for research, development and innovation in aquaponics, on the scale of the Greater Region. PERCIPONIE brings together 11 partners from Germany, Belgium, France and Luxembourg (4 operational partners and 7 methodological partners).

Aquaponics is a new form of agriculture in urban and suburban environments (short food chain supply) combining hydroponic vegetable production and recirculating fish production. PERCIPONIE focuses on the production of pike-perch, a local species that is highly prized by consumers.

The programme promotes the development of a new, more sustainable form of agriculture, based on agro-ecological principles (such as the recovery of fish farming waste) that takes into account the well-being of the fish while guaranteeing the production of healthy food (zero pesticides).

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2017-2022. AQUALOCI : Development of an aquaponics pilot production linked to short food supply chains (convention SPW DGO3 - FEAMP 47-1604-001). Read more...

In the present context of environmental challenges and increasing world food demand, aquaponics is considered as an innovative and sustainable production method for fish and vegetables. Owing to its benefits (low water consumption, nutrient recycling, waste reduction, no use of pesticides), aquaponics is promising as an environmentally friendly farming technique, strengthening local food security and social connections.

lettuce and aromatic plants
salades et herbes aromatiques

The aim of this project, promoted by CERER-Pisciculture, is to set the basics for the development of a new integrated fish farming activity in Wallonia. To reach this goal, we set up and operate an aquaponics pilot production facility and perform an energy, nutrient, and economic balance (inputs vs outputs).

Aquaponics combines fish farming (aquaculture) and soilless plant production (hydroponics) through nutrient recycling in a recirculated system. Fish wastes are used as fertilizers for the plants, which in turn purify water by up taking nitrogen-rich wastes that are toxic for fish.

Aquaponics has several advantages:

  • Low water consumption (< 10% of conventional agriculture).
  • Nutrient recycling (80-85% of nitrogen and phosphorus recovered).
  • Waste reduction.
  • No use of pesticides.

In this project, the pilot production targets two fish species, one tropical and very productive species (tilapia), and one temperate indigenous fish with a high added value (pikeperch). Aquaponic products (fish and vegetables) are sold locally.

Energy and water flows through the system are quantified and a mass balance analysis is performed to characterize the nutrient flows between the different biological and physical compartments of the system and measure the efficiency of nutrient recycling. This functional analysis would help to put into perspective the environmental impacts of the production with the internal functioning of the system and effluent discharge. The environmental and economic sustainability of the system setup and the production process are evaluated by the combined application of Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing (in collaboration with the Univesity Ca’Foscari of Venice, Department of Environmental Science, Informatics and Statistics).

Giving a comprehensive vision of the environmental impacts of the aquaponic production, the results will highlight bottlenecks and efficient development levers to improve the system.

With the objective to achieve a “zero waste” system, research is also focused on the effluent (sludge) recovery through mineralization / irrigation processes in order to use nutrients trapped in solid matter and to increase vegetable production.

Finally, a complete economic analysis of the different production models will enable a scaling-up simulation to evaluate the opportunity to generate profits. This economic approach will be completed by a market analysis targeting aquaponic products in order to position a potential production company into its economic environment.

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